Friday, 27 May 2016

The One That Challenged Me

I love writing stories. When I write I feel ...awesome and  myself. When I write I enter this amazing world where I am one with my characters. I have cried, laughed, celebrated and had many adventures through writing. Somehow I feel that I was born to be a writer. What that means I am still trying to figure it out. Anyways one of the things which I have tried to steer away from when writing my stories is weaving in my faith and beliefs too much. I have done so because I feel that people get put off when they read a story which talks too much about God, faith and like things. Yes, I have been a coward. Then I came across this book...

This book posed a challenge to me. This book has taught me that it is ok to write and include my beliefs and that doing so doesn't necessarily make stories boring. I like the way the authors had the main character Jane as a woman who loved God and even when she was at her lowest point she did not lose her faith but instead still confessed her confidence in God. She had just lost her job, been dumped by her boyfriend and the roof of her flat by some misfortune had caved in and she was temporaily homeless. Despite all this she had this to say  and I quote;
'He (God) has always been good to me. I have to trust Him even now that my life is in shambles. I have decided he's working on something big up there. I just don't know what it is yet.'

I enjoyed this book a lot. The way it was written - it wasn't too 'churchy' and yet it was clear the main character was a Christian, loved God and had faith in him without it being too much in your face. I made up my mind then and then that I was no longer going to restrain myself if when writing it was befitting to include my faith and believes to whatever extend befitting the story. I have just realized it is okay, there will people wo will still enjoy my stories as much as I enjoyed the Book of Jane. From now on I am just going to go with the flow of ideas. I am glad this is settled and I don't have to concern myself with the issue anymore.

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