Tuesday, 6 September 2011

You Can't Catch Me


Barbeque fire gone mad. We had a social night for our church home group and the guys where barbequing the meat when the fire went crazy. At least most of the meat was already done.

This is a friend's allotment. I went over to help with the watering. They have planted some onions, courgettes , beans and sweet corn.

I moved to a new place. This is most of my stuff scattered in my new room. I am going to miss my old home :(

This is a picture of my empty old room. I went back to clean it up. It was sad to say good bye since I had been staying there for more than a year.

There was a carnival in our town and one of the stands there was a Prayer tent. In it there was a huge board where people were writing questions they had about God and to Him One of the questions was ' Why did you let all those young people die in Norway?' Yeah, we all have questions I am sure. I know I do.

Street art. Indeed whoever did this was not caught (l think). I thought this was a good drawing and funny too.

A wiggly plain worm it starts out until it is changed into a beautiful butterfly. The process is painful but I still look forward to the day that this phase passes and I am turned into a beautiful butterfly and shine for You Lord.

A day at the beach. It was such a beautiful day. We don't get many of them so when one  comes along its better to make the best of it.

This is me with my natural  hair before having it braided. My hair is growing nicely after I cut it and started plaiting it again a year ago.

I could not resist taking a picture of this. Check out the smile.

There was a celebration at work and so we had balloons hanging everywhere and of course loads of food.

This is Fishy. He lives in my new house. He doesn't really have a name and so I decided to call him Fishy. I had just dropped in his food. Doesn't he look excited.

This is the view from my new room. One of the windows faces the neighbor's garden where they have a fountain. I find the sound of flowing water ever soothing.

I gotta believe. I gotta keep holding on. My God is Able.

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