Friday, 9 September 2011

Just Love Me


In one of my previous posts I mentioned helping out a friend at their allotment. Well, my friend and her family were away on holiday and I went to water their allotment and I found this huge courgette. I know that in the picture it doesn't look that big but in real life it was huge, bigger that normal sized courgettes.

This was a poem written by one of my friends children. He is only 10 but wow I thought it was very good.

What to wear? What to wear? I was going to go to a friend's wedding the next day and I managed to narrow down to 3 possible dresses I could wear. I ended up wearing the purple one in the middle.

The day of the wedding. The wedding had a sunflower theme. The bridesmaids where wearing turquoise blue. I never imagined that blue and yellow could go so well. It was a small wedding less than 50 guests I think.

Little feet, big feet. This is a picture of Anna aged 3 months and Miah aged 7.

I always pass this hedge and always wonder if these berries are edible or not. I can never tell and I have never been brave enough to find out if they are the normal black berries.

This church is near my work place and hence I pass it twice almost everyday. On this day I decided to take a picture. I have never attended a service there though or even been inside. One day ...

Another of those funny cool t-shirts. This young man was nice enough to agree to pose for this picture. By the way - what are you staring at!?!? :)

I was listening to Martina McBride's Love is the only house and then I saw this and I could not help but agree that love is the answer to a lot of things. Sometimes we don't have to understand in order to love.

Lovely movie and very very funny. I really enjoyed watching it.
A night of snuggling with a blanket on the sofa with a very interesting book and ice cream.

I was coming from church when I saw this band performing in town. Not my type of music but they still sounded good.

Tomatoes. We are growing tomatoes at the house I live. This picture was taken just before I started watering the plants. There are already a lot of green tomatoes, very soon they will be ready for the picking.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

You Can't Catch Me


Barbeque fire gone mad. We had a social night for our church home group and the guys where barbequing the meat when the fire went crazy. At least most of the meat was already done.

This is a friend's allotment. I went over to help with the watering. They have planted some onions, courgettes , beans and sweet corn.

I moved to a new place. This is most of my stuff scattered in my new room. I am going to miss my old home :(

This is a picture of my empty old room. I went back to clean it up. It was sad to say good bye since I had been staying there for more than a year.

There was a carnival in our town and one of the stands there was a Prayer tent. In it there was a huge board where people were writing questions they had about God and to Him One of the questions was ' Why did you let all those young people die in Norway?' Yeah, we all have questions I am sure. I know I do.

Street art. Indeed whoever did this was not caught (l think). I thought this was a good drawing and funny too.

A wiggly plain worm it starts out until it is changed into a beautiful butterfly. The process is painful but I still look forward to the day that this phase passes and I am turned into a beautiful butterfly and shine for You Lord.

A day at the beach. It was such a beautiful day. We don't get many of them so when one  comes along its better to make the best of it.

This is me with my natural  hair before having it braided. My hair is growing nicely after I cut it and started plaiting it again a year ago.

I could not resist taking a picture of this. Check out the smile.

There was a celebration at work and so we had balloons hanging everywhere and of course loads of food.

This is Fishy. He lives in my new house. He doesn't really have a name and so I decided to call him Fishy. I had just dropped in his food. Doesn't he look excited.

This is the view from my new room. One of the windows faces the neighbor's garden where they have a fountain. I find the sound of flowing water ever soothing.

I gotta believe. I gotta keep holding on. My God is Able.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Afternoon Tea At Vigo

HELLO my blog friends. Oh no!!! I am behind again with my posts but I am planning to catch up. I have worked on posts already so another one should be up tomorrow. Thank you all for being patient and for continuing to read my blog.


Saw this at a friends house and thought it strange but funny at the same time. I am sure this was meant to be humorous. I hope so anyway lol!

Another of those saying which are scattered all around town. Lovely.

I sat for a while looking out side the window from the house just watching the world go by. It was a rainy day and so there wasn't much activity outside but it was still lovely to just sit and gaze outside.

A craving for these donuts hit me. As you probably know by now once I get a craving I am rarely able to resist. These go down well with a cup of tea.

This was the teaching at church. I am significant. God has made me worthy.

Earlier on in the year I was asked to give a small talk to one of the classes at one of the local schools. It was a pleasant surprise to get this invitation in the post. I hope I am asked to give another small talk next time :)

Nice. A handbag this big would be wonderful if only it could be portable. All my stuff would fit in nicely. Maybe I should 'borrow' this one and give it a trial ha!

Visited Birmingham and it was my first time there. I found it a very interesting city and way bigger than I anticipated.

Awwwww! Sunflowers are so pretty. They remind me of sunshine, happiness and laughter. They also bring memories of the sunflowers that my grandparents used to grow and we would help to pick them up.

Friday 22 July at the O2 in London. I had the privilege of attending the Hillsong Conference. It was packed, the praise and worship was wow and the preaching great. I didn't want it to end.

Last day of the conference. I think this was Bishop TD Jakes preaching - he was on fire. I left my camera at home and had to rely on my phone to take pictures - not good.

After the awesome time at the Hillsong Conference it was time to say good-bye to my friend Achel who had invited me to the conference. She was flying back to Norway.

This was one delicious lunch. The Spurs ribs are yummy and are one of the best.  Give me Spurs ribs anytime.

Isn't it said that one is as old as they feel? Well, this is what Pam Gidney seems to be saying here. And yes I agree life is unending - we as children of God shall be with Him forever and ever.

Blogging State of Mind

2018 is coming to an end. It has been a crazy year and I can't believe that we are already looking at another new year. To be honest, bl...