Friday, 7 May 2010

Seeing beyond today

I vividly remember when I was growing up, one of my uncles who when ever we met would usually take me by the hand and say out aloud "This one is very intelligent. You'll see, she is going to go far in life. You just wait and see". As a child I would just laugh and run off. I never understood what he saw in me that made him have so much faith in me - now that I am grown up if I could have the chance to see him I would ask him but the fact is he saw something in me. I was just thinking about my life the other day, where I have come from and where I am going , I realized that my uncle actually prophesied over my life. Now that I am older and spiritually mature I understand it was God right there speaking through my uncle, telling me that I am not ordinary and He had great plans for me, plans to prosper me and to make His glory revealed through what He would do in my life. 
Life is a journey and I know I still have so much to achieve but that which I have achieved so far is something I can shout about and I look forward to a bright future because I know God is in control.

Whilst it is awesome to have someone or people believing in you like my uncle did, I also realize that as an individual it is crucial to believe in yourself and declare a bright future for yourself. You do not need to wait for anyone to tell you that you have so much potential and you are capable of achieving your dreams. It is very important to be able to see beyond today and prophesy positively into your future using the Word of God irrespective of your present situation because the Word of God is powerful and " living and active, sharper than any two edged sword..." Hebrews 13:12. What the Word of God says you are, you are, what it says you can do then definitely you can do it. Believe me you will be amazed at the results, you will be wowed over and over again by the power of the Word of God - I know I have and I am still being wowed.

The more we speak the Word of God into our lives the more our lives change and begin to take shape. I have made up my mind to make it my responsibility to prophesy over my life and the lives of my loved ones - making it a priority to say what the Word of God says and not what I feel or what think or what the world thinks and says. I hope you will join me and also begin to prophesy positively over your own lives knowing that God will never fail you  and that what He says in His Word is absolute truth. You have a bright future ahead of you.  


  1. I like this statement: "As an individual it is crucial to believe in yourself and declare a bright future for yourself. You do not need to wait for anyone to tell you that you have so much potential and you are capable of achieving your dreams."

    Reminds me of the valley of dry bones. Without beating around the bush let's just say that the bones were "dry." That's what they were, no kidding. But it does not mean that they couldn't resurrect, hence the importance of prophesying. "Speak to the dry bones Ezekiel, speak."

    My hubby was telling me last week that "did I know God created us in His image and He spoke the world into existence, and that if God "spoke" it also means that we can "speak" things into existence because we're in His own image?"

  2. Its Good to have people believe in us but just like u said we don't have to wait for this to happen because God has promised us alot according to His word.
    Also we might find ourselves around people who would bring us down or would not see any good thing in us. We need to believe in what the word of God says and speak it into our lives
    The word works wonders!

  3. Jaycee - the story of the dry bones never ceases to amaze me. Its proof to me that anything is possible.

    NBB - I agree the Word works wonders.

  4. Shona, if I have never told you that you are a blessing, there you go, you really are. I love this. Absolutely inspirational :)

    "What the Word of God says you are, you are, what it says you can do then definitely you can do it."

    The word of God says concerning me that, "if I wait upon the Lord, I will soar up with wings as eagle, I will run and not faint, I will walk and not be weary". That's the word I believe and I know in my generation, I will do exploits.

    Thank God for people who believe in us. They are Godsent into our lives. We must always strife to be around such people. May God bring more of them into our lives in Jesus' name.

    - LDP

  5. Thank you very much LDP. I am glad I am making a difference out there. It means so much to me to know that.
    God Bless.

  6. There is power in the tongue! We have the ability as joint heirs with Christ to "call things that are not as though they were." [Romans 4:17] Keep speaking God's Word over your life, mind, emotions, and destiny. Alleluia!


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